Elizabeth Carlyon is a fantasy author, content writer and researcher living in Stockholm, Sweden.
With an academic background in music, ethnography and medieval literature, she holds a particular passion for exploring the potential of words and art in crafting and shaping our subtle sensorial perception of the world throughout time. From legends of cats in tea houses to the music we paint our stories with, it is her passion to dig deep into the methods people use to enrich creative communication and self-expression. Several of her short stories are available online and in print and she is currently working on the second draft of a dystopian YA novel.
Elizabeth holds a BA hons in Music (2013) and an MA in Anglo-Saxon and Viking Studies (2014) from the University of Nottingham. After seven years of working as a freelancer within the film industry, she has returned back to studying to complete a second master’s degree in Musicology (2023) at the University of Uppsala with a heavy focus on anthropology and ethnology. She is an active member of Stockholm Writer’s Network and is this year’s House Manager for Stockholm Writer’s Festival (2023).
When not scribbling away at a coffee house table, she can often be found practising yoga, working on historical handicrafts, meditating over a cup of tea or exploring hidden corners of the world.
If there are any ideas I can help you with, big or small, do get in touch!